NSW School Aspiring Leaders Application Package (HT, DP, AP, Principal)
Prepare an outstanding application for a promotion in NSW state schools
This package will:
Assist you in gaining a clear understanding of how to prepare your résumé (CV) and selection criteria,
Provide you with examples of a completed CV and a broad range of completed selection criteria as a guideline to help you create an exceptional application; and
Give you a detailed understanding of the interview process, together with many tips, sample questions and interview instruments.
It includes a comprehensive collection of sample responses to the six general selection criteria for Executives and Principals, with direct reference to the current DoE reforms and many practical ideas for maximising your performance. You’ll also learn to link contemporary documents (Strategic Plan, the DoE Strategic Priorities, school’s 3 strategic priorities and key DoE documents to your examples.
Latest Update:
PLEASE NOTE THAT (as of 10 June 2020) THERE IS NOW A 1/2 PAGE LIMIT FOR ALL CRITERIA, except for Principal applications where the position criteria are limited to 1 page.:
GENERAL CRITERIA - 1/2 page each maximum for ALL applicants
POSITION CRITERIA - 1 page each maximum for principal applicants; 1/2 page each maximum for all other positions.
“I had been submitting application after application with no interview. After working through this package, I received an interview on my second attempt. I was offered the position.”